Friday, May 30, 2014

My International Family Kitchen

My beautiful family

I'm a wife, a mom and a short order cook.  At least that's how I feel most days.  I love to cook, but it sure is a challenge to satisfy the entire family with their varied tastes and needs.  My husband is a vegetarian, my growing teenage boys crave meat and my daughter doesn't eat much at all...

Additionally, our family is a mini United Nations.  I'm Chinese, I came to America when I was four years old.  No not from China, or Taiwan, I was born in Canada.  My husband is Jewish, born in Brooklyn and grew up in western New Jersey. 

 I learned to cook from my dad.  He owned a restaurant in Chinatown.  Like many head cooks in his field, he had Mondays off. On those days, I'd come home from school and watch him cook.  He'd never let me help but I watched and learned, but mostly I tasted.  He would make some unique dishes like steak and mango stir fry, or a lobster salad with Japanese mayonnaise and fresh fruit.  They were not always hits, but the failures were fun too.  It taught me never to fear making a mistake in the kitchen.  Every dish was a lesson, you can even learn from a bad recipe.  

Join me on my adventures in cooking as I figure out how to feed everyone a healthy diet but not spend the entire day in the kitchen.  Did I tell you the kids play multiple sports and play the violin and piano?  And we have new puppy too!

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